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How To Prevent CoronaVirus - Safety Tips For Personal Protection While Indoors

Sunday, August 15, 2021

 When the going gets tough, the tough get going, thats how the popular adage goes. It is no hidden secret, that after the onset of the pandemic outbreak, times are really scary, especially with enforcement of social distancing and face protection masks. We are facing challenging times when basic survival is the only priority. To make matters worse if the virus outbreak itself was not intimidating enough, the chances of infection by the rapid spread of disease producing germs is making the chances of survival scarce.

With no credible antidote available yet to protect individuals from the impact of infection, and staying at home not a feasible solution in the long run, personal protection equipment or PPE is the best bet to create a safe barrier between contagion. However for those who can avoid going outdoors, staying at home till the storm of infection passes by, is the best possible precaution to protect oneself and be healthy.

To stay safe indoors, one needs to be very careful and on the watch for outbreak of mildest symptoms from transmission of disease. Careless or inattentive behavior towards health can open up an individual to the risk contracting disease. Abiding by recommended practices and following standard precautions everyday with dedication and sincerity, one can easily secure the health and safety of their loved ones.

Here are some recommended Basic protective measures against COVID-19 that one can adapt while staying indoors to stay safe and healthy.

Below mentioned are some common safety tips that can help you in preventing Coronavirus while staying indoors:-

1. Maintain social distancing: - Practice social distancing even while staying indoors as disease carrier germs can be transmitted through breath, contact and even as droplets mingled in air. Always secure yourself with safety measures such as creating protective barrier between yourself and the environment in case you have to step out for some urgent work.

2. Boost your immune system: - Along with ensuring use of protective equipment to create a safety barrier from germs, it is equally important to stress on strengthening one's internal immune system as well. Protective barriers can only be effective to an extent if the individual has a weak immune system. A weak immune system provides easy passage for germs to enter the body. Boosting the immune system is one's best protection from infection at all times. Consuming fresh food like veggies and fruits, indulging in physical exercise, intake of essential nutrients like Vitamin B12 with Methylcobalamin, imparts strength to the body's inherent system to fight against any foreign bodies that have entered the system.

3. Disinfect your belongings:-

Disease producing germs can remain alive for a long time even after being detached from their natural habitat. They can stay dormant in transition phases till they find a suitable host to thrive on. To understand the virus's effect, you may take the example of copper, where it can stay for 4 hours. Cardboard holds the virus for 24 hours, on plastic, and on steel the virus sticks for almost 72 hours. Regularly cleaning and disinfecting the surfaces that have frequently exchanged contact with sanitizing solutions and disinfectants can keep one's surrounding environment clean and unsuitable for breeding germs.

4. Practice respiratory hygiene while coughing or sneezing: -

Its time to go back to the basics of education and instill in our habits the practice of covering one's mouth when sneezing or coughing not only as an exhibition of good manners but also to reduce chances of transmission of disease producing germs. Keep your environment clean and prevent germs from making it their breeding ground.

5. Wash your hands frequently the right way: -

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, you must wash your hands at least for 20 seconds thoroughly with certified disinfecting hand sanitizers. Sanitizers with alcohol content of at least or upto 70% are highly recommended and alcohol is an extremely effective agent that destroys the Corona Virus germs and bacteria. Using alcohol based hand sanitizers can help combat the pandemic disease effectively.

6. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth: -

Taking protective measures for COVID-19 is everyone's responsibility. being a respiratory illness, the carrier germs can be transmitted through touch or being present in an infected environment. hence it is advisable to be extremely careful while touching oneself with bare hands. It is better to wash one's hands frequently before touching other organs.

7. Do not neglect mild symptoms, seek medical attention at the earliest:-

Coronavirus treatments are being done according to the symptoms of flu, cold, cough, and fever. There is no accurate definition or description of the exact symptoms of Corona Virus. Nevertheless, the onus is on every individual to ensure that they are taking appropriate treatments after displaying these symptoms. If you feel uneasiness, weakness or feverish, immediately seek medical attention and isolate yourself.

The above mentioned preventive tips of Coronavirus will protect you while staying indoors. Stay home, and stay safe. Following these easy but highly effective tips, you can create a much needed barrier between yourself and harmful germs.

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